Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Top Reasons Why You Should Visit The Dentist Regularly

Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Everyone knows the importance of regular dental visits, but it can be easy to put off. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? However, regular trips to the dentist are essential for many reasons. Here we’ll look at just a few of them and why High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO should be your go-to place for dental health.

Preventive Care

The best way to keep your teeth healthy is to practice preventive care. This means brushing and flossing regularly, eating a healthy diet, and visiting you Grand Junction CO dentist every six months or so for cleanings and checkups. During these visits, our professional staff will examine your teeth for signs of decay or gum disease. If any issues are found, they can be treated quickly and easily before they worsen or cause more serious problems.

Early Detection

Regular dental visits also allow us to detect any problems early on before they become serious or even life-threatening. For example, we may detect a cavity that has not yet caused pain or other symptoms but could eventually lead to tooth loss if left untreated. In addition, during each visit we will be able to check for signs of oral cancer which is far easier—and much more likely—to treat if caught early on.

Oral Hygiene Education

Finally, regular dental visits are invaluable when it comes to learning how to maintain proper oral hygiene habits on your own at home. Our expert dentists in Grand Junction CO here at High Desert Dental can offer personal advice based on individual needs that you can apply directly when you get home so you can take better care of yourself between appointments. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge so they understand the importance of good oral hygiene habits and can make informed decisions about their own healthcare choices moving forward!

Contact Us Today!

Regular dental visits are an essential part of taking care of your teeth and gums properly over time. Not only do regular trips to the dentist help prevent cavities and gum disease from forming in the first place, but they also provide an opportunity for us at High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO to catch any issues early on so that treatment can begin as soon as possible before any further damage occurs. In addition, our experienced staff provides personalized advice on how you can best take care of yourself between appointments so you don’t have to worry about developing any major issues down the line due to poor oral hygiene habits! Schedule your next appointment today!

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

Conquering Your Fear of the Dentist

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

A trip to your Grand Junction CO dentist can be filled with trepidation for many people. It is not uncommon to become overwhelmed with anxiety when it’s time to go in for a checkup or procedure. High Desert Dental, located in Grand Junction CO, understands this fear and offers several tips and tricks that can help you conquer your uneasiness. Let’s take a look at some of them now.

Find the Right Dentist for You

First and foremost, it is important to find a dentist near you who will make you feel comfortable. Look up reviews online, ask friends and family members who they recommend, or call around to different offices until you find one that best fits your needs. Once you have found the right dentist for you, communicate clearly what makes you anxious—whether it’s the sound of the drill or how much pressure the dentist applies during cleaning—so that he or she can adjust accordingly.

Bring a Friend

If possible, bring someone along with you on your appointment. Having a friend present can help ease your anxiety by providing moral support while also providing comfort and familiarity. This person may also be able to remind you when it’s time to take a break if you need one during longer procedures.

Distract Yourself

Bring headphones along with your favorite music playlist so that you have something else to focus on rather than just being aware of what is happening inside of your mouth. Listening to music can provide an escape from reality in which it’s just yourself and music instead of yourself and the dentist’s chair! Additionally, focusing on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth can also be helpful in slowing down your heart rate while calming nerves simultaneously.

Contact Us Today!

At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, we understand how uncomfortable visiting the dentist can be for many patients. That is why our staff works hard each day to ensure that every patient feels safe and secure throughout their entire appointment experience from start to finish. We hope these tips will help make conquering dental phobia easier for those who are nervous about coming into our office! If additional assistance is needed please do not hesitate to reach out directly so we can discuss further options available! After all, taking care of your teeth should not be something that brings fear but rather excitement as healthy teeth lead to a healthy life! 

Why Checkups Are Essential

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Why Checkups Are Essential

Why Checkups Are Essential

Dentist near me

Everyone knows that regular checkups are important. But why? What exactly do checkups accomplish, and why are they essential for maintaining good oral health? Keep reading to find out.

At High Desert Dental, we recommend that our patients come in for a checkup at least once every six months. During a checkup, one of our experienced dentists will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums for any signs of trouble. We’ll also clean your teeth and remove any built-up tartar or plaque.

The Importance of Clean Teeth

By removing tartar and plaque, we can help prevent gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. If it’s not removed, it can harden into tartar. Once tartar has formed, it can only be removed by a professional cleaning.

Tartar can irritate your gums, making them red, swollen, and tender. This can lead to gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum disease. If gingivitis is not treated, it can progress to periodontitis, which is a more serious form of gum disease. Periodontitis can lead to the loss of both bone and soft tissue supporting your teeth. In severe cases, it can even lead to tooth loss.

The Importance of X-Rays

In addition to a physical examination and cleaning, we’ll also take x-rays of your mouth during your checkup. X-rays allow us to detect problems that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as decay between your teeth or problems with your jawbone. Identifying these problems early on allows us to treat them before they become more serious.

Contact High Desert Dental Today!

As you can see, regular checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health. If it’s been more than six months since your last visit to your Grand Junction CO dentist, call us today to schedule an appointment. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about our checkup process and what you can expect during your appointment.

End-Of-Year Oral Health Tips

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End-Of-Year Oral Health Tips

End-of-Year Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health

Dentist near me

The end of the year is a busy time for everyone. With all the holiday parties and get-togethers, it’s easy to let your oral health fall by the wayside. But Dr. Josh and our team at High Desert Dental want you to have a healthy and happy holiday! Here are a few oral health tips to help you get through the end of the year.

Watch What You Eat

Sugary and acidic foods can cause tooth decay and damage your enamel. Try to limit sugary snacks and drinks, especially between meals. If you do indulge, brush your teeth afterward or rinse your mouth with water to remove any harmful sugars or acids.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps rinse away food particles and bacteria that can cause cavities. It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially during the holidays when you might be indulging in more sweets than usual.


“Two minutes. Two times a day. That’s all it takes to keep your mouth healthy and happy!”

Don’t Skip Your Morning Brush & Floss

Just because you’re not home doesn’t mean you can skip your oral hygiene routine! When you’re staying with family or friends, make sure to pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and any other necessary products so you can keep up with your regular routine.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Did you know that routine dental visits can help prevent many common dental problems? Seeing your Grand Junction CO dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and checkup can help catch any small problems before they turn into bigger ones. Plus, it’s always a good idea to have a fresh set of eyes (and teeth!) looking at your smile!

Contact High Desert Dental Today!

Following these simple tips can help you have a healthy and happy holiday season! We hope these tips help you maintain good oral health during the holidays! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at High Desert Dental

Common Dental Emergencies During The Holiday

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Common Dental Emergencies During The Holiday

Five Common Dental Emergencies During The Holiday

Emergency Dental Near Me

The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and celebrating. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when dental emergencies seem to happen more often. From eating sticky sweets to playing with hard candy canes, there are plenty of ways to damage your teeth during the holiday season. At High Desert Dental, we want you to be prepared for anything. Here are five common dental emergencies and what you can do to prevent them.


Cavities are one of the most common dental problems, and they can happen at any time—not just during the holidays. To prevent cavities, be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. You should also avoid sugary drinks and snacks as much as possible and eat a balanced diet. If you do get a cavity, don’t worry! Cavities can be easily treated with fillings.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Playing sports, eating hard candy, or even biting your nails can put you at risk for chipping or breaking a tooth. To prevent this, always wear a mouthguard when participating in any contact sports and avoid crunching on hard candy or ice cubes. If you do chip or break a tooth, save any pieces of the tooth that you find and rinse your mouth with warm water. Then, call your Grand Junction CO dentist right away. Depending on the severity of the damage, your dentist near you may be able to repair the tooth with bonding or veneers. In more serious cases, you may need a crown or even dental implants.

“We never expect dental emergencies to happen but when they do happen, make sure that you always have your dentist on speed dial”

Knocked-Out Tooth

In some cases, chipped or broken teeth can’t be saved—especially if they’ve been knocked out entirely. Again, this is something that can happen at any time, but it seems to happen more often during the winter months when people are participating in outdoor activities like skiing and snowboarding. If you do find yourself in this situation, try to find the tooth and pick it up by the crown (the part that you see in your mouth), not the root (the part that goes into your gums). If possible, gently place the tooth back into its socket and hold it there with your fingers until you can get to a dentist in Grand Junction CO—don’t save this one for after the holidays! If you can’t put the tooth back in its socket, place it in milk or saliva until you can get to a dentist—again, time is of the essence here. A knocked-out tooth must be re-implanted within an hour for there to be a chance of saving it.

Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth is an infection that has reached the pulp (the center) of the tooth all the way down to the roots. This is usually caused by decay that has gone untreated for too long but can also be caused by trauma to the tooth such as a blow to the mouth or grinding your teeth excessively (a problem we often see during stress-filled times like Christmas!). 

Even if you don’t have an abscessed tooth but are experiencing symptoms like severe pain when chewing or drinking hot/cold liquids, sensitivity to temperature changes, swelling in your face or lymph nodes, bad breath that won’t go away no matter how much gum you chew or mints you eat—don’t wait! These could all be signs of an abscessed tooth so call your dentist right away!

Contact High Desert Dental For Emergency Dentistry

The holiday season is upon us which means plenty of good food and family fun. While we all enjoy this time of year, it’s important to be aware of some common dental emergencies that seem to happen more frequently during this festive period. From Cavities to Knocked-Out teeth, being informed and prepared can help minimize any damage done and ensure that you have a happy and healthy holiday season!

How Often Do You Need To Visit A Dentist

How Often Do You Need To Visit A Dentist

How Often Do You Need To Visit A Dentist

Why You Need To See Your Dentist

How Often Do You Need To Visit A Dentist

Going to the dentist regularly is important for maintaining good oral health. The general rule of thumb is that you should visit your Grand Junction CO dentist every six months, but this may vary depending on your individual needs. Studies have shown that people without any dental problems can usually get by visiting the dentist once a year. However, those with dental issues may need to be seen every 3 or 4 months. Ultimately, it is important to talk to your dentist about how often you should be seen in order to maintain optimal oral health. They will be able to take your individual needs into account and develop a plan that is right for you.

Stopping The Problem Before It Happens 

Professional dental cleaning is an important part of maintaining good oral health. Not only do they remove stains, giving you a brighter smile, but they also remove plaque. Plaque is a clear, sticky layer of bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if it isn’t removed. Dental cleanings help to remove plaque before it has a chance to harden and develop into tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist using special tools. In addition to preventing tooth decay and gum disease, dental cleanings can also help to freshen your breath and give you a more confident smile. So be sure to schedule a professional dental cleaning every six months!

Regular Check Ups 

Routine visits to the dentist are important for maintaining good oral health. These visits allow your dentist to find any dental problems and other oral health issues you might not have noticed. Our friends over at Park Hills Dentistry, the best in Lexington KY, without regular visits to the dentist, untreated conditions will likely become painful and difficult to treat down the road. Dental checkups are also an opportunity for your dentist to give you advice on how to best care for your teeth and gums. They can recommend specific brushing and flossing techniques and which types of toothpaste and mouthwash are best for you. So if you’re looking to keep your smile healthy and bright, be sure to schedule regular dental checkups.

Contact High Desert Dental Today!

Starting your smile journey with high desert dental is easy! Our team of compassionate and experienced professionals will work with you to develop a treatment plan that meets your unique needs and goals. We understand that no two patients are alike, and we will take the time to get to know you and your smile. Whether you are looking for simple tooth whitening or extensive dental implants, we will help you achieve the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and take the first step on your smile journey!

Dental Tips From Our Hygienists

Dental Tips From Our Hygienists

Oral Hygiene Tips

Oral Hygiene Advice from a Dental Hygienist

Dental Tips From Our Hygienists

Do particular brushing practices harm my teeth? What advice would you provide when it comes to brushing?

Brushing can impact your teeth and gums in a negative way if done incorrectly. Some common reasons we see things like gum damage are due to brushing too hard, and missing the gumline.

Place the toothbrush bristles at a 45-degree angle against the teeth. Many of us forget to wash our gums when we brush our teeth, yet this is important since plaque forms here. Gum disease can result from improper brushing.

If you ask our team, we prefer an electric toothbrush over a manual or battery-powered brush for better cleaning power.

Gently hold the handle and apply mild pressure. Gently glide the brush over your teeth and gums, letting the brush do most of the job – do not scrape as this can cause irreparable and permanent gum recession. Remember to replace your toothbrush every three months. It may seem silly but daily brushing without the proper technique can do harm to your gums over time.  

Use an electric toothbrush for two minutes in the morning and evening, and replace the brush head every three months. Apply a pea-sized quantity of toothpaste to your toothbrush before brushing.

Should I brush right away after eating or wait?

To avoid weakening the enamel, wait 30 minutes to an hour after eating or drinking something acidic or sweet.

Try not to eat sugary or acidic foods more than three or four times a day, and limit them to mealtimes only. For example, if you drink orange juice in the morning and then nothing for a few hours, your mouth will neutralize. The saliva will neutralize the pH and the fluoride from brushing in the morning. The damage is shown when our teeth are constantly attacked.

Why is flossing important, and do you advocate water flossers?

Toothbrushes cannot reach between teeth to remove debris. As a result, brushing only cleans roughly 60% of our teeth. However, cleaning between teeth with floss or brushes helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

If you have interdental space, utilize interdental brushes of the largest size feasible (you may need more than one brush size). Dental floss is advised if your teeth are close together. Do this once a day, ideally before a mirror.

If you can’t floss, Dr. Josh the best dentist in Grand Junction CO says to consider an electric flosser like the Philips Airfloss or WaterPik. These should be used in conjunction with regular flossing or interdental brushing.

What foods and drinks are bad for your teeth?

Our friends over at Park Hills Family Dentistry, the best dentist in Lexington KY tell us about how nutritional deficits might show up in the mouth. For example, a mineral deficiency affects the hard structures (teeth and bones), but a vitamin deficiency effect mouth ulcers of various sizes and durations are a typical early symptom of vitamin insufficiency.

As part of a healthy balanced diet, including foods from all major food categories is vital. Avoiding sugary and acidic foods and drinks (including lemon water) is advised. To reduce the impact of sugary and acidic foods and drinks, aim to limit them to mealtimes only. Sugar or acid assaults should be limited to three or four times each day.

Avoiding sugary snacks and drinks between meals can help stabilize blood sugar levels, increase energy levels, and regulate appetite.

Use a straw for drinks and rinse your mouth with water after ingesting dark-colored meals and beverages.

Eat lots of vegetables, lean protein, nuts, and healthy fats, while avoiding processed meals and refined carbs like white bread, spaghetti, and processed meats.

Limit alcohol and coffee if you can. Your body and teeth will thank you.

How would you advise someone wanting whiter teeth? Is it wise to whiten teeth?

First, determine what is causing the discoloration, bearing in mind that teeth naturally vary in tint owing to genetics. Consult your dentist or dental hygienist first; they can assess your appropriateness for whitening and explain your alternatives.

Have you not been to the dentist in a while? You could just need professional teeth cleaning. In addition, it can make teeth whiter by removing deposits and stains.

If you choose professional teeth whitening in Grand Junction CO, alternatives include one-hour in-surgery treatments or two-week home whitening kits. You maintain your custom-made trays and may ‘top-up’ your whitening a few times a year using professionally designed gels.

Do not get your teeth whitened by anybody other than a dentist. Professional-grade teeth whitening is a longer-lasting solution than over-the-counter solutions. Contact me today to schedule a whitening.

When should I see the dentist?

To keep your smile bright, you should see your Grand Junction CO dentist and hygienist at least twice a year. Observe regular dental and hygienist visits. Regular check-ups ensure we can catch any small issues before they become larger issues. 


Contact High Desert Dental Today

If you are having questions about oral health and what you can do to better yours contact our team today. We are here to help make sure that we can provide our expertise to help you understand how to better your or health. Call us today to schedule an appointment right here in Grand Junction, CO.

Do Veneers hurt?

Do Veneers Hurt?

Do Veneers Hurt?

Do Veneers Inflict Harm? Everything You Need to Know About the Surgery and Recovery

Do Veneers Hurt?

Do you find it difficult to smile and display your teeth? Do you feel self-conscious about your teeth? If this is the case, you are not alone.

You now have several options for improving your smile, thanks to advances in technology. Dental veneers are one alternative. However, some individuals are concerned and wonder, “Do veneers hurt?”

What Is the Purpose of Veneers?

Dental veneers in Grand Junction CO can assist in correcting issues such as dental spacing, crooked teeth, and stained teeth. They are thin shells that your dentist installs on your front teeth to give you the desired appearance.

It is critical to remember that veneers are not a long-term solution. Once you have them, you will need to replace them regularly for the rest of your life.

The Process of Obtaining Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain or composite resins are used to make veneers. According to one study, porcelain veneers produced better cosmetic effects. They also provided a more predictable therapy duration.

The same study found that composite veneers are a suitable alternative as well. They were, however, less durable than porcelain.

Each veneer is custom-made to match the needs of the patient. First, porcelain veneers are created in a lab and adhered to the teeth. Then, the composite resin is applied to each tooth by the dentist in layers.

Porcelain veneer in Grand Junction CO operations sometimes need two consecutive appointments. The dentist removes a small amount of the enamel from the teeth during the initial session. This makes room for the veneer to be installed.

They will next take an imprint of your teeth. The dentist will also determine your natural tooth color. This shade data is then transmitted to the lab.

The lab uses this imprint and color to make your veneers. Certain people use temporary veneers while they wait for the permanent set.

When the permanent veneers are ready, the dentist removes the temporary ones. Then, the new veneers are examined to guarantee a flawless fit. The veneer is subsequently bonded to your tooth by the dentist.

The veneers are then “cured” for roughly 60 seconds using a special light. This ensures that they are securely fastened. If there is any excess material, the dentist will remove it with specialized tools.

Instructions for Recovery

In general, routine quality oral care is part of post-veneer teaching. Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day. Pay great attention to the junction between the veneers and the gum. Bacteria can become trapped, resulting in plaque and cavities.

Floss your teeth at least once a day. Your Grand Junction CO dentist may advise you to use fluoride toothpaste or prescription fluoride. Have your teeth cleaned twice a year.

Do Dental Veneers Hurt?

Many dentists provide some form of numbing during the early stage of the veneer treatment. You should not feel any discomfort after you are numb. Most patients who receive two to four veneers have little to no pain following the treatment.

Patients who receive eight or more veneers may have gum and jaw discomfort. However, this pain is generally minimal and can be treated with over-the-counter drugs.


Are You Thinking of Getting Cosmetic Dentistry?

Our team over at High Desert Dental thrives on making sure that you have the best smile you deserve to have. Contact our team of specialists today to schedule a consultation to that way we can work together to make sure that the smile you have is one that you will love and be more confident with.

Use Your Dental Benefits

Use Your Dental Benefits Grand Junction CO

Use Your Dental Benefits

Use Your Dental Benefits Before They Expire

Use Your Dental Benefits Grand Junction CO

We look forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and, of course, New Year’s Eve as the end of the year approaches. Typically, we are so focused with ringing in the new year that we overlook the fact that our dental insurance policies no longer give any benefits after December 31st. However, our dentist in Grand Junction explains that this means that the insurance will expire if the yearly maximum is not fulfilled. 

Today on the blog, our team dives into why it’s important to use your dental benefits before the end of the year. So, if you’ve been searching “dentist near me” and need to get seen ASAP, we’re here for you! 

Why You Should Use Your Dental Benefits Before It’s Too Late

Here are five reasons why you should see your Grand Junction CO dentist before the year is out:

Maximum Annual Exhaustion

First, every dental insurance plan has a yearly maximum value, which can range between $1,000 and $1,500 depending on the insurer and approved operations. Importantly, the vast majority of dental insurance plans are renewed on January 1st, Additionally, any unused benefits do not carry over to the next year. As a consequence, our emergency dentist in Grand Junction explains that taking advantage of the maximum coverage amount is only logical.

The Premium is Paid

You would be paying or have already paid a premium amount to the insurance plan in order to claim coverage for dental benefits. The same is true for FSAs, which allow you to make pre-tax contributions to your dental plan directly from your paycheck. Our friends over at Digital Doc, the best intraoral camera providers, explain that all of these contributions would be in vain if dental treatments were not utilized.

Dental Service Fee Increase

Fee hikes are common, as they are for the vast majority of services. Dr. Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction Co explains that all dentists musts also pay for equipment and medical supplies. When the cost of such supplies climbed, they would have little choice but to raise the service charge. In most cases, the new price arrangements would go into force in the new year. Delaying your dental visit may need a higher co-pay.

The Benefits of Overlapping

Certain dental procedures may quickly exceed your yearly limit, resulting in a higher out-of-pocket expense for you. To avoid this, consult with your dentist and plan your treatment so that your expenses are spread out over the course of the year, allowing you to make the most of your dental insurance coverage.

Dental Issues Extend

Aside from the aforementioned factors, the most important element is one’s dental health. The longer you put off oral health exams and dental procedures, the worse the condition may grow. Ignoring any type of oral health issue may exacerbate the condition and lead it to spread to other parts of the body. 

Use Your Dental Benefits Before They Expire in Grand Junction CO

Dental insurance is a genuine advantage since it gives complete coverage at an affordable price. Don’t throw it away; use it as soon as possible, ideally by December 31st. If you follow these simple dental care rules, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy while enjoying the Thanksgiving turkey, pies, and cakes. Happy Thanksgiving!

TMJ Awareness Month

TMJ grand junction

TMJ Awareness Month

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TMJ grand junction

Not only is it the middle of autumn and the start of the holiday season, but it’s also TMJ Awareness Month! At High Desert Dental, our Grand Junction dentist believes it is our responsibility to educate our patients about Temporomandibular Joint Disorder as their dentists and TMJ experts. Its symptoms, causes, treatment choices, and what happens if you ignore it are all covered. If you’re not familiar with TMJ, stay reading to learn more.

What is Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)?

Your jaw opens and closes like a door. Our dentist in Grand Junction CO explains that it has a hinge on the bottom that allows it to open and close. The temporomandibular joint functions similarly to a door hinge, and when you have TMJ disease, the hinge isn’t functioning properly. This is frequently because the dysfunction is caused by an imbalance, strain, or injury. The malfunction can cause pain and discomfort, which can make daily life difficult. Unfortunately, ignoring TMJ will just exacerbate the situation.

The door (your jaw) will eventually become stuck open or closed. TMJ therapy is your only option for alleviating discomfort and restoring proper jaw function.

What is the root of the problem?

The temporomandibular joint functions similarly to a hinge, but with sliding motions as well. The cartilage-covered portions of the jawbones that interact with the temporomandibular joint are separated by a tiny disk that absorbs shock and allows for smooth movement. The disk is either eroded or out of position in a TMJ condition, the joint’s cartilage has been destroyed by arthritis, or the joint has been harmed by a physical accident.

“We strongly advise you to see a dentist for a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of TMJ. A good diagnosis is necessary for a successful treatment approach.” – Dr. Joshua Eastham

Common Causes of TMJ

Below, Dr. Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction CO, shares the common causes of TMJ.

  • Misalignment of the jaw
    clenching and grinding (bruxism)
  • Injury to the body
  • Stress
  • Bad posture

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of TMJ issues is the best approach to guarantee that you receive treatment as soon as possible. We worked with our friends at Shreveport Dental Solutions, dentist in Shreveport LA, to discuss the signs. The following are the most prevalent signs to look out for:

  • Pain in the jaw, face, back, or neck
  • Ear ache or a congested sensation
  • Ears ringing (tinnitus)
  • Migraines or headaches on a regular basis
  • Lockjaw is a term used to describe a situation (jaw stuck open or closed)
  • Something is wrong with this bite.
  • Finger numbness or tingling
  • Tooth wear that is excessive
  • Jaw clicking or popping
  • Teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism)

What Should I Do If I Am Suspecting That I Have It?

Our dentists will also take a thorough medical history from you and check your jaw muscles and joints for areas of strain or pain. We can assess if you have TMJ and what you need for a successful therapy with all of this information.

What Happens If I Don’t Seek Treatment for TMJ?

Before you dismiss the idea of coming in for a consultation, consider what will happen if you refuse treatment. To begin with, your pain will not go away. It’s possible that things will deteriorate. You’ll have more headaches and migraines, as well as pain in your jaw, neck, and face. You may just have one symptom at first, but this can quickly escalate to many symptoms.

TMJ that isn’t treated might have a negative impact on your dental health. If you grind and clench your teeth all the time, it can wear down the enamel and possibly fracture and split the teeth.

Finally, untreated TMJ might result in serious jaw issues. It’s possible that the jaw will become permanently stuck open or closed, or that it will dislocate.

The longer you wait to get help, the more likely you are to need surgery to fix your problem. Furthermore, you will be required to pay for additional restorative dentistry procedures in order to improve the health of your teeth.

Call High Desert Dental Today for TMJ Treatment

If there’s one thing you should remember from this blog for TMJ Awareness Month, it’s to see a dentist as soon as you start experiencing symptoms. Contact our team at High Desert Dental to learn more.