Why You Need a Root Canal

why you need a root canal - Grand Junction Dentist

Why You Need a Root Canal

Do You Need a Root Canal?

why you need a root canal - Grand Junction Dentist

It’s not always easy to tell whether a tooth needs to be treated with a root canal. Patients who need a root canal will often experience some symptoms. However, it can be difficult to know you need a root canal just by looking at the tooth. In honor of Root Canal Awareness Week, Dr. Josh Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction, CO, shares exactly why you need a root canal.

Root Canal 

To give you a brief rundown, your dental pulp is the innermost layer of your tooth. Your tooth includes nerve endings, connective tissue, and blood capillaries. The nerve endings provide the sensation of hot or cold, but they aren’t necessary for the tooth’s health or regular day-to-day functioning. As a result, they can be removed without disrupting the tooth’s normal function.

Root canal therapy entails the removal of the contaminated or damaged dental pulp, as well as the cleaning and sealing of the affected tooth. Root canal treatment will help you avoid more serious issues like tooth loss.

Causes of Root Canal

Damage to the pulp of the tooth may be caused by a variety of causes. Among the most popular are:

  • Inflammation and irritation
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Recurring dental procedures
  • Large fillings 
  • Chipped or broken tooth 
  • Trauma/Injury

Once a tooth infection begins, it can start to spread throughout the body, says Dr. Josh Eastham. Additionally, patients who do not treat their infection will experience swelling in the ears, head, neck, and so on. Your tooth will develop a hole inside. 

“Dr. Josh is great! The first time I came to the office, everyone was so nice and didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. Dr. Josh is very knowledgeable and shares what he would do if it was his mouth he was working on! I definitely trust him to do my dental treatment!” – Callie T.

Signs You Need a Root Canal Treatment

If you have any of the following signs, you might need a root canal in the near future:


Pain or discomfort is usually a sign that something is wrong. If you’re experiencing a toothache, it’s important to reach out to an emergency dentist near me. Your toothache will not go away on its own. In fact, our friend, Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, points out that patients who avoid toothache treatment will likely have to come in for a more costly treatment, such as tooth extraction.


Although some people’s teeth are naturally sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages, persistent sensitivity could indicate pulp damage. Your tooth is extremely vulnerable to extreme temperatures due to nerve damage in the pulp cavity.

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess occurs when bacteria build-up, causing an infection. You’ll notice you have a dental abscess when a bubble starts to form on your gums. Inside, this bump is built-up pus. The abscess could be followed by a fever, and it could disappear on its own before reappearing at a later time. Ask your dentist in Grand Junction for a consultation so that you can stop the infection before it gets any worse. 

Tooth Discoloration

Tooth discoloration is a common occurrence, especially among tobacco users and coffee drinkers. Having one badly discolored tooth may suggest that your tooth is dying. If Dr. Josh Eastham is able to save your tooth, they will recommend root canal therapy. Otherwise, a tooth extraction might be the only option.

Swollen Gums

Gum inflammation could indicate that tooth decay has spread from the root of the tooth to the gums. The swelling will usually not go down until treatment has started. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is one of the most common dental problems patients experience. It’s important to treat gum disease before it’s moved into the advanced stages. 

Root canals are generally recommended if the tooth is salvageable. At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction, Colorado, we do everything we can to preserve your natural teeth. We may be able to save your tooth by performing a routine root canal. If your natural tooth cannot be saved, we will work with you to figure out the next steps. Please contact our dental office in Grand Junction if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.