Dentures FAQ

dentures FAQ Grand Junction CO dentist

Dentures FAQ

What is the Dentures Process Like?

dentures FAQ Grand Junction CO dentist

Dentures are an excellent option for patients who do not want to undergo a lengthy procedure but still require a replacement for missing or extracted teeth. Dentures in Grand Junction CO can be taken out and put back in your mouth whenever you want. Patients at High Desert Dental can receive full or partial dentures, depending on their specific needs. Today on the blog, our dentist in Grand Junction CO shares our Dentures FAQ. 

What is the Procedure for Getting New Dentures?

Standard dentures typically take a few weeks and four or five appointments. Below, our Grand Junction dentist shares our process.

  1. Impressions – a mold of your gums and/or teeth is taken.
  2. Bite Registration entails measuring your bite and selecting your new teeth with your Wax.
  3. Try-On –  This is when you get to see and try on your new dentures before they are finished.
  4. Take-Home – Finally, you get to take your new teeth home with you.

When Will Dentures Feel Normal? 

Dentures, like any new appliance, may feel strange at first. Even the best-fitting dentures will feel awkward at first, so new denture wearers should give themselves some time to adjust to their new “teeth.” While most patients can resume normal speech within a few hours, many patients report eating discomfort for several weeks. Start with soft, easy-to-chew foods to get used to chewing with a new denture. Denture wearers may also notice a slight change in facial appearance, increased salivary flow, or minor speech difficulty.

They may cause increased salivation or alter speech. To begin, cut food into small pieces, avoid hot foods, and avoid hard foods until the tissue on which the denture rests becomes accustomed to the new teeth. They will become more familiar to you as time passes. This will take time, and you may experience some sores at first; don’t be alarmed.

What Do I Do If My Dentures Are Slipping? 

The tissue and bone may shrink slightly over time. Your dentures will become looser as a result of this. Additionally, as you lose or gain weight, you may notice that your denture loosens. Dr. Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction CO, explains that they can be relined to fit snugly again. However, if their bases have deteriorated significantly, you may need to get a new denture.

Who is a Candidate for Dentures?

Everyone who is missing teeth in some way should wear a denture. Complete dentures are used for people who are edentulous (have no natural teeth left), while partial dentures are used for people who have some natural teeth left. A partial is necessary to keep the remaining natural teeth from shifting, which will happen if the gaps are not filled in. Additionally, our friends at College Hill Dental, Easton PA Dentist, explain that dentures improve chewing and speech while also providing facial support. Thus, this improves your appearance and smile dramatically.

Do I Brush my Dentures the Same Way I Brush my Natural Teeth?

If possible, dentures should be cleaned after each meal. The best method is to remove and rinse them. Brushing the dentures and rinsing the mouth to remove any debris is recommended if one is able. Brushing is always recommended if some natural teeth remain. Soak your dentures at night after brushing them; if desired, use a denture cleaner such as Renew. Allowing them to dry out may cause them to warp. It is also far healthier to leave your dentures out overnight to avoid putting undue strain on the soft tissue and bone. Always brush your tongue and gently brush your gums with a soft toothbrush. On the dentures, special denture brushes should be used. Dentures should not be cleaned with regular toothpaste because it is too abrasive.

Do I Wear My Dentures at Night? 

Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that they be removed at night. Dr. Kim, Dentist Lexington KY, explains that removing the denture for at least eight hours during the day or night allows the gum tissue to rest while also allowing normal stimulation and cleansing by the tongue and saliva. This promotes better long-term gum health.

Do I Still Need Dental Appointments If I Have No Natural Teeth? 

It is critical to maintaining regular checkups so that your Denturist can examine your oral tissues as well as your dentures. Your mouth will continue to change as you age as the bone beneath your denture shrinks or recedes. It is necessary to adjust, reline, or remake your denture over time in order to maintain a proper fit. Never attempt to adjust a denture on your own, and avoid using denture adhesives for an extended period of time. 

Contact High Desert Dental for Dentures in Grand Junction CO

Ready to get started with replacing your missing teeth? Contact High Desert Dental today. Our team would love to get you fitted for dentures and restore your smile.