Should I Replace Old Metal Fillings?

Should I Replace Old Metal Fillings

Should I Replace Old Metal Fillings?

Should I Replace Old Metal Fillings?

Should I Replace Old Metal Fillings

Metal fillings are a common and effective solution for tooth decay. However, as time passes, the metal filling may cause a variety of dental issues. As dental health experts in Grand Junction CO, we often get asked if it’s time to remove the old metal fillings and replace them with new ones. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of replacing old metal fillings and guide you through the crucial things to consider before getting them replaced.

How long do metal fillings last?

Metal fillings are durable and can last for decades. However, they may start to wear out or break down over time. As the filling ages, it can expand and contract over and over. As a result, the filling can lose its sealing ability, and bacteria may penetrate the tooth, causing more decay. Additionally, as the filling deteriorates, it may cause cracks or fracture in the tooth. If either occurs, it is a sign that the filling needs replacing.

Some signs indicate that your filling may need replacing:

It is essential to be aware of the warning signs that indicate your filling may need replacing. Watch out if you experience sensitivity to hot or cold beverages, sharp pain when biting food, recurrent bad breath, or a metallic taste in your mouth. Once you notice these symptoms, make an appointment with your Grand Junction dentist for an evaluation.

Composite fillings could be the answer

Composite or tooth-colored fillings provide an excellent alternative to the traditional metal fillings. They are made from a blend of glass and plastic and sit on your tooth, resembling your natural tooth color, making it invisible if applied correctly. Composite fillings do not contain mercury and offer a safer and healthier option. Furthermore, taking care of them is easy as regular brushing and flossing.

Consult with a dental health expert before making any decision

If you experience any of the issues mentioned, it is crucial to see a dental health professional for an evaluation. Whether you decide to keep your metal fillings or switch to the composite option, it’s essential to discuss your choice with a dental professional. They can give you an accurate assessment of the condition of your filling and help you decide the best treatment options for your dental health needs.

Contact Us Today!

While metal fillings can last for years, their performance will wane over time. Ultimately, the decision to replace old metal fillings rests with you and should be based on your dental health requirements. If you experience any of the issues mentioned above or have concerns about the composition of your metal fillings, it’s essential to visit your healthcare professional. They can guide and educate you on composite filling options and help you make the best decision for your dental health. At High Desert Dental, your dental health is our top priority. We are always willing to help our patients make decisions that ultimately benefit their dental health.

Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Top Reasons Why You Should Visit The Dentist Regularly

Benefits Of Regular Dental Visits

Everyone knows the importance of regular dental visits, but it can be easy to put off. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? However, regular trips to the dentist are essential for many reasons. Here we’ll look at just a few of them and why High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO should be your go-to place for dental health.

Preventive Care

The best way to keep your teeth healthy is to practice preventive care. This means brushing and flossing regularly, eating a healthy diet, and visiting you Grand Junction CO dentist every six months or so for cleanings and checkups. During these visits, our professional staff will examine your teeth for signs of decay or gum disease. If any issues are found, they can be treated quickly and easily before they worsen or cause more serious problems.

Early Detection

Regular dental visits also allow us to detect any problems early on before they become serious or even life-threatening. For example, we may detect a cavity that has not yet caused pain or other symptoms but could eventually lead to tooth loss if left untreated. In addition, during each visit we will be able to check for signs of oral cancer which is far easier—and much more likely—to treat if caught early on.

Oral Hygiene Education

Finally, regular dental visits are invaluable when it comes to learning how to maintain proper oral hygiene habits on your own at home. Our expert dentists in Grand Junction CO here at High Desert Dental can offer personal advice based on individual needs that you can apply directly when you get home so you can take better care of yourself between appointments. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge so they understand the importance of good oral hygiene habits and can make informed decisions about their own healthcare choices moving forward!

Contact Us Today!

Regular dental visits are an essential part of taking care of your teeth and gums properly over time. Not only do regular trips to the dentist help prevent cavities and gum disease from forming in the first place, but they also provide an opportunity for us at High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO to catch any issues early on so that treatment can begin as soon as possible before any further damage occurs. In addition, our experienced staff provides personalized advice on how you can best take care of yourself between appointments so you don’t have to worry about developing any major issues down the line due to poor oral hygiene habits! Schedule your next appointment today!

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

Conquering Your Fear of the Dentist

Overcoming Your Fear Of The Dentist

A trip to your Grand Junction CO dentist can be filled with trepidation for many people. It is not uncommon to become overwhelmed with anxiety when it’s time to go in for a checkup or procedure. High Desert Dental, located in Grand Junction CO, understands this fear and offers several tips and tricks that can help you conquer your uneasiness. Let’s take a look at some of them now.

Find the Right Dentist for You

First and foremost, it is important to find a dentist near you who will make you feel comfortable. Look up reviews online, ask friends and family members who they recommend, or call around to different offices until you find one that best fits your needs. Once you have found the right dentist for you, communicate clearly what makes you anxious—whether it’s the sound of the drill or how much pressure the dentist applies during cleaning—so that he or she can adjust accordingly.

Bring a Friend

If possible, bring someone along with you on your appointment. Having a friend present can help ease your anxiety by providing moral support while also providing comfort and familiarity. This person may also be able to remind you when it’s time to take a break if you need one during longer procedures.

Distract Yourself

Bring headphones along with your favorite music playlist so that you have something else to focus on rather than just being aware of what is happening inside of your mouth. Listening to music can provide an escape from reality in which it’s just yourself and music instead of yourself and the dentist’s chair! Additionally, focusing on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth can also be helpful in slowing down your heart rate while calming nerves simultaneously.

Contact Us Today!

At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, we understand how uncomfortable visiting the dentist can be for many patients. That is why our staff works hard each day to ensure that every patient feels safe and secure throughout their entire appointment experience from start to finish. We hope these tips will help make conquering dental phobia easier for those who are nervous about coming into our office! If additional assistance is needed please do not hesitate to reach out directly so we can discuss further options available! After all, taking care of your teeth should not be something that brings fear but rather excitement as healthy teeth lead to a healthy life! 

Best Treatments For Teeth Sensitivity

Best Treatments For Teeth Sensitivity

Single Tooth Replacement Options

3 Treatments to Relieve Teeth Sensitivity at High Desert Dental

Best Treatments For Teeth Sensitivity

If you’re experiencing sensitivity in your teeth, you know it can be quite uncomfortable. Whether it’s when you drink or eat something hot or cold, the pain of sensitive teeth is often sharp and sudden. At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, we offer treatments to help relieve the pain and discomfort of tooth sensitivity.

Fluoride Treatment

One of the most common treatments for tooth sensitivity is a fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a mineral that helps strengthen enamel, making your teeth more resistant to acids and other compounds that can cause sensitivity. Additionally, fluoride helps remineralize any weakened enamel on your teeth, which can help reduce sensitivity. During an office visit, our team will apply a fluoride gel to your teeth and allow it to sit for several minutes before rinsing it off. This simple procedure can provide relief from sensitivity.

Desensitizing Toothpaste

Another great way to reduce tooth sensitivity is through the use of desensitizing toothpaste. These special toothpastes contain ingredients like strontium chloride or potassium nitrate that help block the nerves inside your teeth from registering sensations like heat or coldness that can lead to pain and discomfort. It may take several weeks of using desensitizing toothpaste before you start feeling relief, so make sure you use it regularly as directed by our team at High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO.

In-Office Treatments

If other treatments have not been successful in reducing your tooth sensitivity, we may suggest an in-office treatment such as bonding or crown placement. Bonding involves applying a composite resin material directly onto the affected areas of your teeth while crown placement requires covering the entire visible portion of a damaged or decayed tooth with an artificial cap made out of porcelain or metal materials. Both procedures are designed to protect sensitive areas on your teeth from further damage and can provide relief from painful sensations when eating or drinking hot or cold foods and beverages.

Contact Us Today!

At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, we understand how uncomfortable it can be when dealing with sensitive teeth and want to help you find relief as soon as possible. Our knowledgeable staff provides comprehensive dental care services for patients who are suffering from this condition, including fluoride treatments, desensitizing toothpastes, bonding procedures, and crown placement services if necessary. Contact us today if you’d like more information about how we can help treat your sensitive teeth!

How To Take Care Of Your Toothbrush

What Is The Cause Of Bad Breath

How To Take Care Of Your Tooth Brush?

How To Keep Your Toothbrush in Top Condition

What Is The Cause Of Bad Breath

Taking care of your toothbrush is important for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. At High Desert Dental, we recommend that you replace your toothbrush every three to four months and follow the best practices to ensure that your brush is as clean as possible. Read on to find out more about proper toothbrush care.

Proper Storage

After each brushing, it’s important to properly store your toothbrush so that it will stay clean and last for as long as possible. Rinse the bristles thoroughly with water after each use and stand the brush upright so that any remaining water can drain away from the bristles. Never cover a wet brush, as this can lead to bacteria growth and make the bristles wear down faster.

In addition, it’s best to keep your toothbrush away from other people’s brushes in order to reduce cross-contamination. If you have multiple family members who share a bathroom, consider buying individual containers for each person’s toothbrush so that they can be stored separately.

Cleaning Your Toothbrush

It goes without saying that raw sewage and fecal matter can contain harmful bacteria, meaning that certain cleaning agents should not be used on your brush. If you feel like your toothbrush needs an extra cleaning beyond regular rinsing, try running it through the dishwasher or soaking it in white vinegar overnight once a month or so. Never soak your brush in mouthwash or bleach because these products can damage its bristles over time and leave behind residue.

Keep Away From Illnesses

If someone in your household comes down with a cold or other illness, make sure you either throw their toothbrush away or sterilize it before using it again. The same goes for any visitors who may come into contact with shared surfaces like sinks and countertops—it’s always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to oral hygiene!

Contact Us Today!

Properly caring for and storing your toothbrushes is essential for maintaining good oral health overall. Follow our recommendations above by replacing old brushes every three to four months, storing them separately from others in the household, and giving them an extra cleaning every now and then if needed. By following these tips, you’ll help keep yourself healthy while also making sure that your teeth stay sparkling clean! If you have any questions about proper dental care at High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO please give us a call today! We look forward to hearing from you!

3 Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

best dentist in grand junction CA

3 Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments in Colorado Springs, CO

best dentist in grand junction CA

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, there are many treatments that can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Below, we’ve broken down three of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments offered at High Desert Dental in Grand Junction, CO.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening in Grand Junction CO is a simple and effective way to remove years of discoloration from your smile. Teeth whitening is done using bleaching agents that lighten the color of your teeth. The process can be completed in our office or through a take-home kit prescribed by one of our experienced dentists.


Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. This treatment can instantly give you a more even, beautiful smile without any surgery whatsoever! Veneers in Grand Junction CO are customized to fit each patient’s individual needs and preferences, making them highly versatile and customizable.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is another non-invasive treatment option that helps improve the appearance of your teeth. During this process, a tooth-colored resin material (composite) is applied directly to your teeth and hardened with a special light. This material can be used for everything from filling minor chips or gaps to restoring worn or broken areas on your teeth.

Contact High Desert Dental Today For Cosmetic Dentistry Today

At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction, CO, we offer several cosmetic dentistry treatments designed to help you look and feel your best! Whether you’re looking for something as simple as teeth whitening or something more advanced like veneers or composite bonding, our experienced dentist in Grand Junction CO will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. If you’re ready to transform your smile into something beautiful and confident, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact High Desert Dental Today For Cosmetic Dentistry Today

At High Desert Dental in Colorado Springs, CO, we offer several cosmetic dentistry treatments designed to help you look and feel your best! Whether you’re looking for something as simple as teeth whitening or something more advanced like veneers or composite bonding, our team of experienced dentists will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. If you’re ready to transform your smile into something beautiful and confident, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you!

Do I Need To Brush My Tongue?

Do I Need To Brush My Tongue?

Do I Need To Brush My Tongue?

Why Brushing Your Tongue Is Important

Do I Need To Brush My Tongue?

Most people know brushing and flossing are important for maintaining good oral health. But you probably don’t hear much about the importance of cleaning your tongue. The tongue has got the most bacteria-covered spots in our body. A tongue has not only taste buds but also crevices, elevations, and all kinds of tiny structures where bacteria can hide unless removed physically. That’s why it’s important to include tongue cleaning as part of your daily oral hygiene routine. There are a few different ways to clean your tongue, such as using a tongue scraper or brushing your tongue with a toothbrush. Whichever method you choose, do it gently, so you don’t get irritated. Regular tongue cleaning and seeing your Grand Junction dentist can prevent oral health problems.

Prevent Oral Problems

Yes, brushing your tongue can prevent potential oral cavity problems such as tooth decay and periodontal disease. Brushing your tongue has several benefits. Not only does it help to remove harmful bacteria, but it also promotes fresher breath and a healthy oral cavity. Also, brushing your tongue can help prevent tooth decay by removing plaque and tartar buildup. Finally, brushing your tongue can help prevent periodontal disease by keeping the gums healthy and free of infection. 

Improve Your Breath By Brushing Your Tongue

The surface of the tongue is covered with tiny bumps called papillae. These papillae contain taste buds that help us to experience different flavors. However, they also provide an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. If these bacteria are not removed, they can produce foul-smelling compounds that lead to bad breath. Brushing your tongue regularly can help to remove these bacteria and improve your breath. In addition, it can also reduce the build-up of plaque and promote a healthy oral cavity. Our friends at 4th street Family Dentistry, the best dentist in St, Petersburg, say give your tongue a good scrub next time you reach for your toothbrush! 

Contact Us Today!

At High Desert Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality of care. We understand that your smile is important to you, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. We offer a wide range of dental services, from preventative care to cosmetic dentistry in Grand Junction. If you have any questions about our services or would like to schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your best smile.

Periodontal Services Grand Junction CO

Periodontal Services Grand Junction CO

Periodontal Services Grand Junction CO

Periodontal Services Grand Junction CO

Periodontal Services In Grand Junction Colorado: Why You Need Them & How They Improve Your Overall Oral Health

Do you have bleeding gums? Are your gums receding? Do you worry about gum disease? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to see a Dentist in Grand Junction.

Periodontists are dentists who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. Gum disease is a serious bacterial infection that destroys the gum tissue and the bone that supports your teeth. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss.

Stages of Gum Disease

The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis, which is characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Gingivitis is caused by plaque, a sticky film of food debris, bacteria, and saliva. If gingivitis is not treated, it can progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis is a more serious form of gum disease that can destroy the bone and connective tissue that support your teeth.

Periodontal services can help to improve your overall oral health. Periodontists focus on the prevention and treatment of gum disease. They also work to ensure that your smile remains healthy and functional. By providing periodontal services, periodontists can help you keep your natural teeth for a lifetime. They can also help to correct any damage that has been done to your teeth and gums by gum disease.

Contact High Desert Dental For Your Periodontal Services

If you have bleeding gums or are concerned about gum disease, then you need to see a periodontist. Periodontists provide essential services that focus on the prevention and treatment of gum disease. By seeing a periodontist for regular checkups and cleanings, you can improve your overall oral health and ensure that your smile remains healthy and functional for years to come.

At High Desert Dental, we are proud to offer a wide range of dental services to meet the needs of our patients. We understand that everyone has different dental needs and are here to help. Whether you need a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your best smile.