TMJ Awareness Month

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TMJ Awareness Month

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TMJ grand junction

Not only is it the middle of autumn and the start of the holiday season, but it’s also TMJ Awareness Month! At High Desert Dental, our Grand Junction dentist believes it is our responsibility to educate our patients about Temporomandibular Joint Disorder as their dentists and TMJ experts. Its symptoms, causes, treatment choices, and what happens if you ignore it are all covered. If you’re not familiar with TMJ, stay reading to learn more.

What is Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)?

Your jaw opens and closes like a door. Our dentist in Grand Junction CO explains that it has a hinge on the bottom that allows it to open and close. The temporomandibular joint functions similarly to a door hinge, and when you have TMJ disease, the hinge isn’t functioning properly. This is frequently because the dysfunction is caused by an imbalance, strain, or injury. The malfunction can cause pain and discomfort, which can make daily life difficult. Unfortunately, ignoring TMJ will just exacerbate the situation.

The door (your jaw) will eventually become stuck open or closed. TMJ therapy is your only option for alleviating discomfort and restoring proper jaw function.

What is the root of the problem?

The temporomandibular joint functions similarly to a hinge, but with sliding motions as well. The cartilage-covered portions of the jawbones that interact with the temporomandibular joint are separated by a tiny disk that absorbs shock and allows for smooth movement. The disk is either eroded or out of position in a TMJ condition, the joint’s cartilage has been destroyed by arthritis, or the joint has been harmed by a physical accident.

“We strongly advise you to see a dentist for a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of TMJ. A good diagnosis is necessary for a successful treatment approach.” – Dr. Joshua Eastham

Common Causes of TMJ

Below, Dr. Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction CO, shares the common causes of TMJ.

  • Misalignment of the jaw
    clenching and grinding (bruxism)
  • Injury to the body
  • Stress
  • Bad posture

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of TMJ issues is the best approach to guarantee that you receive treatment as soon as possible. We worked with our friends at Shreveport Dental Solutions, dentist in Shreveport LA, to discuss the signs. The following are the most prevalent signs to look out for:

  • Pain in the jaw, face, back, or neck
  • Ear ache or a congested sensation
  • Ears ringing (tinnitus)
  • Migraines or headaches on a regular basis
  • Lockjaw is a term used to describe a situation (jaw stuck open or closed)
  • Something is wrong with this bite.
  • Finger numbness or tingling
  • Tooth wear that is excessive
  • Jaw clicking or popping
  • Teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism)

What Should I Do If I Am Suspecting That I Have It?

Our dentists will also take a thorough medical history from you and check your jaw muscles and joints for areas of strain or pain. We can assess if you have TMJ and what you need for a successful therapy with all of this information.

What Happens If I Don’t Seek Treatment for TMJ?

Before you dismiss the idea of coming in for a consultation, consider what will happen if you refuse treatment. To begin with, your pain will not go away. It’s possible that things will deteriorate. You’ll have more headaches and migraines, as well as pain in your jaw, neck, and face. You may just have one symptom at first, but this can quickly escalate to many symptoms.

TMJ that isn’t treated might have a negative impact on your dental health. If you grind and clench your teeth all the time, it can wear down the enamel and possibly fracture and split the teeth.

Finally, untreated TMJ might result in serious jaw issues. It’s possible that the jaw will become permanently stuck open or closed, or that it will dislocate.

The longer you wait to get help, the more likely you are to need surgery to fix your problem. Furthermore, you will be required to pay for additional restorative dentistry procedures in order to improve the health of your teeth.

Call High Desert Dental Today for TMJ Treatment

If there’s one thing you should remember from this blog for TMJ Awareness Month, it’s to see a dentist as soon as you start experiencing symptoms. Contact our team at High Desert Dental to learn more. 

Myths About Dental Veneers

Myths About Veneers - Grand Junction

Myths About Dental Veeers

Most Common Myths About Veneers

Myths About Veneers - Grand Junction

Porcelain veneers have become increasingly popular in recent years. Patients who undergo this cosmetic treatment can achieve a perfect smile. In fact, many celebrities have porcelain veneers for this reason. Porcelain veneers have grown highly popular in recent years as the most thorough technique to swiftly change. As more people choose to invest in their smiles, you’re likely to know someone who has undergone this procedure. Porcelain veneers have been around for a long time, which is why there are so many misconceptions. In this article, the best dentist in Grand Junction, CO, debunks the most common myths about veneers.

Myth 1: Porcelain Veneers Make Your Teeth Appear Large & Fake

Veneers have come a long way. The early generations of veneers were thicker than they are now, but today’s veneers are nowhere near what the size they used to be. Dr. Josh Eatham explains that veneers can be as thin as a contact lens in some cases. The veneers are so thin that no one can tell that they’re there. Also, they blend so nicely with your teeth. When your visit our dental office in Grand Junction, you’ll see that we can customize the shape, color, and fit of your new smile.

Myth 2: Veneers Are Permanent 

Veneers can be removed from your tooth. However, they do require that a small part of the tooth’s enamel be removed. Since they are so thin, it only affects a part of the tooth. As a result, if you ever need to remove your veneers for a dental operation or damage, but they are not reversible. Patients who aren’t ready to commit to wearing veneers for the remainder of their lives can consider no-preparation veneers.

Myth 3: Veneers Are Soley Cosmetic

Veneers are typically chosen for their aesthetic appeal, but they can also safeguard teeth that have been worn down by grinding and erosion. They can also help patients who have experienced serious gum disease. Porcelain veneers can, of course, still get cavities. Veneers can be thought of as a protective cover for teeth that have become fragile and broken due to aging and wear and tear. Our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO, recommends weighing out your options before committing to any treatment. Some patients are better candidates than others. 

Myth #4: Veneers Aren’t Very Long-Lasting

Veneers can last 10-15 years with good maintenance and use. During that period, the veneers will resist staining and preserve the teeth from injury and wear and tear better than natural enamel. As we mentioned above, veneers are not reversible. However, only a small percentage of people regret getting custom porcelain veneers. When you visit our dental office for porcelain veneers, we will show you what your new smile could look like. Your veneers could require maintenance or replacement if your dentist sees that they are starting to lose their strength. 

Myth #5: Veneers Are Only Available In Entire Sets

While many patients like to have a whole arch of teeth that show when they smile transformed, it is not required. If you have a single tooth that has been stained by tetracycline or an injury, or if you have teeth that are malformed and stand out from the rest, one or two veneers may be the best option for you. Dr. Eastham does point out that the best smile transformations include a whole set, but it’s completely up to you.

Contact Us In Grand Junction, CO

Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures nowadays due to their outstanding outcomes. We can show you your predicted results before the veneers are even made, thanks to improvements in imaging technology. Finally, they allow patients to create their ideal smile and have it made a reality. At High Desert Dental, we’ll provide you with a no-obligation consultation. Contact High Desert Dental today to schedule your next visit. 

Dental Hygiene Month

dental hygiene month - Grand Junction, CO

Dental Hygiene Month

Celebrate Dental Hygiene Month

dental hygiene month - Grand Junction, CO

Every October, High Desert Dental celebrates National Dental Hygiene Month! As you probably know, dental hygiene includes making sure one’s mouth, teeth, and gums are clean and healthy. In this article, Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, helps bring awareness to dental hygiene practices. We hope this article inspires you to take better care of your smile! 

Dental Hygiene Tips

Good oral hygiene starts at home. Our teeth can last a lifetime, but only if we take good care of them. Your Grand Junction dentist recommends brushing your teeth twice a day for a minimum of two minutes each. Be sure to use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush! This will help keep cavities away while avoiding irritation. Another important part of your at-home dental hygiene routine is flossing. Most dentists will recommend that you floss daily. The key to flossing your teeth is making sure you are gentle but also consistently removing any debris. Additionally, regular visits to your dentist in Grand Junction for teeth cleaning will help eliminate any tartar build-up. This can even help you save money in the long run by avoiding pricey restorative dentistry treatments.

Why Visit Your Grand Junction Dentist 

Many patients ask Dr. Eastham why it’s important to visit their dentists regularly. In short, dental hygienists are the only ones who can clean your teeth better than you can. Additionally, the American Dental Association (ADA) emphasizes that hygienists complete numerous additional tasks during each patient visit. Your hygeinist will examin your mouth, take your blood pressure and pulse, and analyze your overall health and wellness are some of these procedures. Dental x-rays are also taken by hygienists to look for abnormalities that aren’t apparent, such as in between or behind your teeth. They also teach patients about proper nutrition and how to maintain their mouths healthy. The cleaning procedure entails removing plaque and tartar from around your gum line, as well as brushing and flossing your teeth properly. Our friend Dr. Kristina Neda, a family dentist in Georgetown, KY, adds that tartar and plaque are only removed during these dental visits. Therefore, visiting the dentist every six months for professional dental cleaning is essential.

Make The Most Of Your Dental Coverage!

Most dental insurance plans provide free or low-cost cleanings and exams twice a year. If you have dental insurance and haven’t had your second visit for the year, now is the time to book your appointment. Don’t worry if you don’t have insurance. Give us a call to learn more about your discount possibilities. Our patients in Grand Junction, CO, also have the opportunity to use special offers. Contact High Desert today to learn more!

Signs of a Tooth Abscess

signs of a tooth abscess - grand junction co

Signs of a Tooth Abscess

Signs of a Tooth Infection Turned Abscessed

signs of a tooth abscess - grand junction co

When a tooth infection is left untreated, it can develop into a dental abscess. An abscess is a bacterial infection that forms a pocket of pus. Swelling and inflammation are almost always present. The abscess can occur for a variety of reasons and in various areas of the tooth. We recommend contacting your emergency dentist in Grand Junction, CO, to treat your abscess immediately before the problem worsens. So, not sure if you have an abscess? Continue reading below, where Dr. Josh Eastham discusses the signs of a tooth abscess.

Common Causes of an Abscessed Tooth

The inside of your tooth is filled with blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves, which can all become infected. A fractured tooth, periodontal disease, or tooth decay may be the source of the tooth infection. Furthermore, there are two types of abscesses. 

periodontal abscess is primarily caused by gum disease, although this form of abscess can also be caused by accident. A periapical abscess is caused by bacteria entering your teeth through a cavity. A gingival abscess occurs when a foreign body, such as a toothbrush bristle or popcorn hull, gets into your gums.

Dr. Josh Eastham says you’re more likely to develop a tooth abscess if you have the following:

  • Dry Mouth 
  • A high sugar diet 
  • Inadequate dental hygiene 

Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth

The major sign of an abscessed tooth is excruciating tooth pain. Other symptoms of an abscessed tooth include difficulty swallowing or breathing, swollen lymph nodes, discomfort when chewing, gum redness, foul taste, dental sensitivity, loose or discolored teeth, jaw pain, swelling, or overall soreness.

You may notice an abscess as a pimple-like bump on your gum. If a liquid pours out when you press it and you experience immediate pain-alleviation, you have an abscessed tooth. The liquid is pus.


A tooth abscess can be identified using dental x-rays, tests, and exams conducted by your dentist in Grand Junction, CO, or by symptoms and signs given by the patient. Even though swelling and pain are common symptoms, you may not have any at all. In that scenario, your dentist can identify an abscess simply by tapping on the tooth. 

Treatment of Tooth Abscess

A dental abscess is treated by removing the source of the infection and draining the pus. Among the possible treatments are:

  • Draining the abscess – making a small cut in the gums to drain the abscess
  • Root canal therapy – Before filling and sealing the afflicted tooth, the abscess from the root is removed.
  • Tooth extraction — If a root canal treatment is not possible, the tooth may have to be extracted.

Preventing Tooth Abscess

To lower the risk of getting a tooth abscess, keep your gums and teeth healthy. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes and using an interdental brush or floss to clean the gaps between your teeth.

Our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO, recommends reducing your intake of starchy and sugary foods and beverages to reduce your risk of developing a cavity. Additionally, don’t be a stranger and visit your dentist on a regular basis.

When Should You Go to the Dentist?

Your dentist in Grand Junction should be contacted if you have an abscessed tooth. Even if the abscess has already popped, you should have the area cleaned and inspected by your dentist to ensure that the infection does not spread. So, contact High Desert Dental for more information on our dental services! 

National Tooth Fairy Day

National Tooth Fairy Day

National Tooth Fairy Day

How to Celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day

National Tooth Fairy Day

On August 22, National Teeth Fairy Day, you may experience all the excitement of recalling you childhood tooth fairy visits. You may remember how the Tooth Fairy exchanged your front tooth for a few coins or perhaps a dollar, which you discovered beneath your pillow in the morning. Our dentist Grand Junction Co explains that children who are terrified of losing a tooth find solace in the belief. Today on the blog, we are discussing how to celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day.

How to Celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day With Your Little Ones

If you know a child who loses a tooth on National Tooth Fairy Day, assist them in preparing for a visit from the Tooth Fairy. To start, tell them about the tale of the Tooth Fairy. Additionally, you can assist them in hiding the tooth the Tooth Fairy to “discover.” Allow yourself to be a child once more! This is a great way to get your child excited about losing their baby teeth. 

In addition, you can read a book or watch a movie about the Tooth Fairy. There’s tons of options out there, including the most recent adaption of The Tooth Fairy with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Lastly, there are numerous novels on the Tooth Fairy and other well-known fairy tales. As follows, we recommend checking out a few from your local library. Dr. Josh Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction Co, recommends reading these aloud to your child or a special child in your life. 

Promoting Great Oral Hygiene At Home

Most of us should do this every day, but we sometimes forget. Allow National Tooth Fairy Day to motivate you to pull out your floss and wash your teeth till your pearly whites sparkle! As your dentist Grand Junction, we recommend using this time to discuss how to properly brush and floss with your little ones. Once they get excited about the possibility of the Tooth Fairy coming to take their pearly whites, they’ll likely become more excited about keeping their teeth sparkling clean.

Why Do Dentists Love Tooth Fairy Day?

Children enjoy the pleasure of waking up to a gift from a fairy in exchange for a missing tooth. It’s a wonderful myth for both parents and children. It’s lovely to join in on the fun and see the pure delight that tiny kids emanate. The excitement for both parents and children is comparable to that of waiting for Santa Claus at Christmas. As your Grand Junction dental office, we can assure you – we all enjoy it! Also, folklore is a lot of fun. As such, everyone enjoys a good story, especially if it includes fairies and fairy dust. Fairy tales have captivated both children and adults around the world for generations.

Use This Holiday to Lessen The Fears

When you’re a kid, losing a tooth is terrifying. However, if it means waking up with money or a tiny present, it’s worth the pain. The Tooth Fairy concept helps children cope with what could otherwise be a frightening experience for them and a stressful one for their parents. Thank you, Tooth Fairy; we owe you one!

“Tooth Fairy Day is an amazing opportunity for parents to get kids excited about losing their teeth. We can all use this holiday to strengthen our dental habits at home with our children.” – Dr. Joshua Eastham

Contact Our Family Dentist Today

As your family dentist in Grand Junction CO, we want to help your kids’ smiles shine. We would love to discuss your child’s dental health with you, and get everyone in for a tooth cleaning Grand Junction CO.  Contact Dr. Joshua Eastham today to learn more about our practices and the services we provide! 

Additionally, we’d love to see how you are celebrating National Tooth Fairy Day with your little ones! Please feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and let us know in the comments. 

Why Dental Cleanings Are Important


Why Dental Cleanigns Are Important

Reasons Why Dental Cleanings Are Important


Your regular teeth cleanings are a very important element of your preventative dental care routine and are critical for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Dr. Josh Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction, CO, reminds his patients how critical preventative dentistry is to optimal oral health. In this article, he shares why dental cleanings are important.

Why Should You Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

Dentists everywhere recommend that patients follow a specific oral hygiene routine. Brushing twice a day as well as flossing daily should be the bare minimum. This aids in the removal of the majority of plaque accumulation from your teeth and gums. It’s common that some parts of the mouth are missed, so try to actively focus on brushing your teeth the best you can! Plaque can quickly harden into tartar or calculus when this happens. This is a very hard substance that will not come off with a toothbrush or dental floss. You’ll need to visit our dental office in Grand Junction, CO, for a professional dental cleaning. Your hygienist will be able to scrape off the plaque and built-up stains. Without teeth cleanings, patients can develop gum disease

Unfortunately, gum disease is fairly common. Many people experience gum disease for the majority of their life. Gum disease, in its early stages known as gingivitis, causes your gums to become red and inflamed, and they will most likely bleed after brushing or flossing. If left untreated, gum disease can advance to periodontitis, a far more dangerous dental problem. Periodontitis eventually causes teeth and gums to die, affecting your jawbone and facial structure. Without treatment, you will experience teeth loss. 

What Effects Gum Disease Can Have on Your Overall Health

Extensive clinical research has linked periodontitis to a number of significant health issues. Periodontitis may increase your risk of acquiring major health concerns or worsen any current health problems. How? Well, the bacteria in your mouth can enter your bloodstream. These bacteria, once in your bloodstream, may trigger more inflammation in your body. This is especially harmful to your overall health. Our friend, Dr. Wade, a dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, says that gum disease has been connected to diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart problems.

Gum Disease Prevention

Visiting High Desert Dental from professional teeth cleaning lowers your risk of gum disease. This is due to the tartar and calculus being removed. Your hygienist will also examine your gums and teeth and see if there are any other dental problems developing. Continuously monitoring your dental health allows Dr. Josh, your dentist in Grand Junction, CO, to see if there are any signs of gum disease. If something is concerning, Dr. Josh will recommend a custom treatment plan. 


“Dr. Eastham and staff were totally focused on my comfort and well being as they carried out a thorough examination and determined what further treatment is needed.” – Mary Y.

How Frequently Should Your Teeth Be Professionally Cleaned?

Dr. Josh Eastham will most likely recommend that you visit your hygienist every six months. Keep in mind that some patients benefit from more frequent cleanings than others. For example, if you have health issues or chronic periodontitis, you may require more frequent cleanings to maintain good dental health. If you’re expecting a child, you may benefit from more teeth cleanings. This is because hormonal changes during pregnancy enhance the susceptibility of the gums to disease-causing bacteria. As a result, gingivitis can develop. More frequent professional cleanings assist in lessening this risk, making good gum health easier to maintain.

If it’s been a while since you’ve last come in for a teeth cleaning, contact High Desert Dental! We provide dental care for the whole family. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Common Dental Problems


Common Dental Problems

The Most Common Dental Problems


Dental problems can seriously affect our day-to-day life. The good news is that most dental problems are avoidable. In this article, we discuss some of the most common dental problems patients face. Need dental services? Contact High Desert Dental to schedule an appointment with Dr. Josh Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction, CO

Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is a very commond ental problem. It is an infection of the gums that surround your teeth. There are actually several stages of gum disease. You’ve probably heard of gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of periodontal disease. Poor oral hygiene and tobacco use, can increase your chances of developing this common dental problem. Periodontal disease is a very serious dental problem, and we recommend seeing a professional for treatment. To learn more about it, please read our blog post about the Stages of Gum Disease

Dental Caries

Tooth decay, which leads to cavities, occurs when plaque on your teeth interacts with sticky, starchy foods you eat. This combination produces acids that erode away at tooth enamel. The best way to prevent tooth decay is to take care of your teeth and gums by brushing and flossing everyday and having your teeth checked twice a year. Fillings, crowns, and root canals can all be used to treat tooth decay.

Bad Breath

Bad breath happens to many people. Gum disease, cavities, dry mouth, and germs in your mouth can all contribute to it. While using mouthwash and drinking enough water may provide a temporary solution. However, our friend Dr. Hoang, a dentist in Bethlehem, GA, says that fixing the underlying problem may be the best option.

Tooth Sensitivity 

When teeth are exposed to hot/cold food or beverages, this frequent dental issue produces pain or discomfort. Brushing and flossing can also be painful. A dental abscess or a broken tooth are two possible causes. Bonding, a root canal, or desensitizing toothpaste may be used to address dental sensitivity.

“I went to High Desert Dental to have some necessary dental work done yesterday. I was a bit anxious, but Nicole and Dr. Josh made me very comfortable, and I was very happy with the experience. He took utmost care to be gentle and calm my nerves. I will have absolutely no problem in the future. I highly recommend them!” – Kathy K.

Cracked or Chipped Teeth

There are various solutions for addressing this frequent dental ailment, whether you bit into a piece of hard candy or sustained trauma to your teeth. Depending on the severity, your Grand Junction dentist may repair your tooth with a tooth-colored filling, crown, or veneer.

Stained Teeth 

Food, cigarettes, drugs, and trauma are just a few of the things that can darken our teeth. Most tooth stains can be eliminated or lightened with teeth whitening treatments, which can be done at your dentist’s office or at home. Contact High Desert Dental about our in-office teeth whitening in Grand Junction, CO

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can be caused by stress, a misaligned bite, or sleep disorders. In turn, this leads to headaches, a sore mouth, and even cracked teeth. Ask Dr. Josh Eastham the best remedy for your teeth grinding problems. 

Contact High Desert Dental

The common dental problems above can be prevented with good oral hygiene habits. The best dentists in Grand Junction recommend visiting your dentist twice a year for routine dental cleaning and exam, flossing daily, limiting sugary foods and beverages. Most importantly, if a dental problem arises, you should see your dentist right away. Need an emergency dentist in Grand Junction, CO? Contact High Desert Dental Today! 

Must-Knows About Dental Implants


Must-Knows About Dental Implants

Our Must-Knows About Dental Implants


A missing tooth isn’t something you can simply laugh about and move on from. Many people with missing teeth are embarrassed to smile. Whether it’s one tooth or all of your teeth, this can significantly impact your smile. Luckily, there are plenty of restorative dentistry options available at High Desert Dental. Dental implants are one of these incredible options. In this article, Dr. Josh Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction, CO, shares the must-knows about dental implants. 

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are far more superior to dentures and bridges. The latter two alternatives are known to cause pain, gagging, and discomfort. Dental implants, on the other hand, are well-known for their comfort, stability, and ease of care. This option is perfect for someone looking for a long-term solution. If you’re unfamiliar with dental implants, they are titanium screws that are implanted into your jaw bone, then capped with an abutment and crown. This replaces the original tooth, giving the patient full function of a natural tooth. Aside from the aesthetic appeal, dental implants offer a wide variety of benefits. 

The Primary Benefits of Choosing Dental Implants

If you didn’t already know, dental implants have more advantages than other alternatives, such as dentures and bridges. Dental implants have become one of the most reliable treatments for missing teeth. Below are some of the benefits of choosing dental implants. 

Save Your Teeth

Unlike dentures, dental implants do not require the extraction of surrounding teeth. Not only are you saving money, but also saving natural teeth. Ultimately, this leads to better oral health.

“Beautiful office and incredible staff. Everyone took very good care of me from the initial phone call to my appointment. Dr. Josh was professional and explained everything in-depth, outlining all my options. I will absolutely be a returning patient. Thank you, High Desert Dental!” Nicole G.

Permanent Remedy

As mentioned above, dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. You won’t have to take them out to clean them like you would with dentures. Patients love how convenient this is. Additionally, they love the boost in confidence. Our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO, says that patients who choose dental implants over dentures won’t have to worry about their dentures falling out when eating or talking. 

Appearance at First Sight

When you visit our dental office in Grand Junction, Dr. Josh will make sure to match your implant to your natural teeth. The similarity is so accurate that no one would ever guess you were missing a tooth. With dental implants, you’ll look and feel better than ever.

Low Maintenace 

Patients also love dental implants because they require low maintenance. Restorative treatments such as dentures require thorough cleaning and regimens. With dental implants, there are no additional things you have to add to your oral hygiene routine. Keep brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes and floss daily. Of course, we can’t forget about our professional teeth cleanings! Make sure to visit your dentist in Grand Junction at least twice a year for routine cleanings and checkups. Preventative dentistry is the best way to keep dental problems away. 

Long-Term Investment

Although dental implants can be an investment, they’re 100% worth it. Dental implants will last you a long time if you take good care of them, unlike many of the other restorative options that have to be replaced every ten years. Unfortunately, dental implants aren’t for everyone. Please contact High Desert Dental to see if you’re a good candidate for dental implants! Our team is happy to schedule your consultation today. 

Am I a Candidate For Dental Implants?

Am I a candidate for dental implants - Grand Junction CO

Am I A Candidate for Dental Implants?

Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Am I a candidate for dental implants - Grand Junction CO

Dental implants are a standard solution for patients with missing teeth. Despite its many advantages, this restorative dentistry treatment may not be appropriate for all. In this article. Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, answers, “Am I a candidate for dental implants?”

Why You Should Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that look and work identically to a patient’s natural tooth. A dental implant, when combined with a crown, allows us to replace your missing tooth since a missing tooth will cause your teeth to shift if left untreated.

Dental implants have a success rate of almost 100%, and with proper treatment, the implants can last a lifetime. A patient may be recommended for dental implant care for a variety of reasons, including:

  • You have a collection of loose dentures.
  • Adhesives are not something you want to use.
  • You have trouble chewing and are concerned that denture treatment would be too difficult.
  • The patient does not want a tooth replacement alternative that is reversible.
  • You are self-conscious because you have a missing tooth or your teeth are misaligned.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants, unlike dentures, not only give the appearance that your teeth are normal. Since they are permanently part of your mouth, they can also look and feel natural. Dental implants, in addition to enhancing the quality of your smile for the rest of your life, may provide a variety of other health benefits, including:

  • Improving Your Public Speaking
  • Discomfort relief
  • Preventing the deterioration of jaw bone
  • Denture treatment is no longer needed on a regular basis.
  • Improving your eating habits
  • Boosting your oral hygiene

“Doctor Josh was professional and efficient. Josh did an excellent job explaining each procedure prior to performing the task. I was also impressed with his assistant, Dove. She has a very calming personality that made my visit less stressful. Overall, I was impressed and more than satisfied with my procedure this morning.”

– Ron E.

What Is The Dental Implant Process?

Dr. Josh Eastham will always match your new dental implant to your natural teeth. A post will be inserted into the bone socket where the natural tooth is missing or has been extracted during the procedure. Your jaw bone will then naturally expand around this post, locking it in place.

After 6-12 weeks, you will usually return and have a connector post-installed, after which your dentist in Grand Junction will attach your new tooth.

Am I A Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants will enhance your smile and preserve your bone health, but not every patient is a good candidate for this procedure. If you can tolerate a standard tooth extraction, you are likely a successful candidate for dental implants.

The following are indications that you might be a successful applicant for dental implants:

  • A good foundation in your jaw bone.
  • No gum recession
  • You avoid activities like heavy smoking and not flossing, which might jeopardize the effectiveness of your implants.

Our friend, Dr. Beth Herko, a dentist in New Providence, says that patients considering dental implants should be committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and be able to see their dentist on a regular basis. If you are uncertain if you qualify for dental implants, scheduling a consultation at our dental office in Grand Junction, CO.

Dental Implants in Grand Junction

Now you can probably answer, “Am I a candidate for dental implants?” Dental implants are an amazing solution for replacing missing teeth if you want to make your smile vibrant and normal. Dr. Josh Eastham and our team at High Desert Dental work hard to ensure that the procedure goes as smoothly as possible so that you can resume eating, laughing, and smiling with ease. Contact High Desert Dental today. We can’t wait to see you and your family!