What You Get From A Dental Cleaning

What You Get From A Dental Cleaning

What You Get From A Dental Cleaning

What You Get From A Dental Cleaning

What You Get From A Dental Cleaning

Dental cleaning or prophylaxis is an essential preventive dental measure that helps keep your teeth and gums healthy and free from diseases such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. A regular dental cleaning appointment can help you maintain optimal dental health, improve your overall well-being, and save you from expensive dental treatments that may arise from poor oral care. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what you can expect from a dental cleaning, and why it is crucial for your dental health.

Removal of Plaque and Tartar

A dental cleaning removes plaque from your teeth. Plaque is a sticky and colorless film of bacteria that develops on your teeth after eating or drinking. Plaque hardens into tartar, also known as calculus, which can cause gum irritation, bad breath, cavities, and even tooth loss. Your dental hygienist will use special tools to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth as well as to polish them. Removing plaque and tartar reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Preventing Bad Breath

The bacteria that produce plaque also cause bad breath. Your dental cleaning appointment will remove the bacteria responsible for bad breath, leaving you with fresh breath. The cleaning also helps you remove any built-up stains on your teeth, which can cause your teeth to look yellowed or discolored.

Early Detection of Dental Issues

A dental cleaning appointment is also a preventive measure to detect early dental problems. A skilled dental hygienist can identify cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer early, which can help prevent further damage and give you a better chance to treat the condition before it worsens. Your dentist in Grand Junction CO will also examine your mouth and look for any signs of oral diseases.

Personalized Oral Health Advice

During your cleaning, the hygienist will personalize oral health advice that is specific to your needs, including your brushing and flossing technique. The hygienist will demonstrate the most effective way to clean between your teeth, which is essential to eliminate bacteria and prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.

Improved Overall Health

A dental cleaning has a substantial effect on your overall health. Poor oral hygiene leads to gum disease, which has been linked to an increased risk of systemic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, dementia, and diabetes. Regular dental cleanings and check-ups will significantly reduce the risk of these conditions.

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A dental cleaning has significant benefits that are essential to your oral and overall health. It helps to remove plaque and tartar, prevent bad breath, detect early dental issues, provide personalized oral health advice, and improve your overall health. Keeping your smile healthy and clean requires regular dental cleaning appointments. Don’t hesitate to book an appointment at High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, and our dental professionals will provide personalized oral health care and support.

How Often Should You See the Dentist?

How Often Should You See the Dentist

How Often Should You See the Dentist?

How Often Should You See the Dentist?

How Often Should You See the Dentist

Dental visits are essential for maintaining oral health. Regular dental checkups help prevent dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. The question is, how often should you see the dentist near you? Many factors come into play when deciding how often to visit the dentist. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what those factors are and share recommendations for maintaining optimal oral health.

The general recommendation is to visit the dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Patients with gum disease or frequent cavities may need to visit the dentist more often, up to every three months. On the other hand, patients with excellent oral health may be able to go a year or more between appointments. Your dentist can help you determine how often you should schedule appointments based on your oral health.

Does Age Matter?

Another factor that determines how often you see the dentist is your age. Children should visit the dentist every six months for checkups, cleanings, and fluoride treatments to prevent cavities. Adults over the age of 60 should also see the dentist every six months to detect oral cancer, which becomes more prevalent with age.

What If You’re Pregnant?

Pregnant women should visit the dentist, too. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to gum disease, which, in turn, can increase the risk of preterm birth. Pregnant women should see the dentist every trimester to maintain optimal oral health.

Tooth Pain?

If you have dental problems such as a toothache, broken tooth, or bleeding gum, don’t wait for your next appointment. Schedule a visit with your dentist as soon as possible. Delaying treatment can lead to more severe dental problems, which can be more expensive and time-consuming to treat.


Finally, patients who are undergoing orthodontic treatment should see the dentist as often as recommended by their orthodontist. Orthodontic appliances such as braces or aligners require frequent adjustments to ensure they are working correctly. Your orthodontist can help you determine how often you should see the dentist during your treatment.

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In summary, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question, “How often should you see the dentist.” Factors such as age, oral health, and whether you have dental problems or orthodontic treatment all play a role in how often you should schedule appointments. The best way to determine how often you should see the dentist is to make an appointment for a checkup and discuss a personalized schedule with your dental professional. Regular dental visits are essential for maintaining optimal oral health and preventing dental problems, so don’t skip your next appointment!

How Do You Keep Veneers Shiny?

How Do You Keep Veneers Shiny

How Do You Keep Veneers Shiny?

How to Keep Your Veneers Shiny: Tips from Your Dental Experts in Grand Junction CO

How Do You Keep Veneers Shiny

Are you one of the many people who have invested in veneers to enhance your smile? If yes, then you are surely aware that keeping your veneers sparkling should be a top priority. After all, veneers are a significant investment, and you will want to ensure that they stay in pristine condition for a long time. In this blog post, our dental experts at High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO share all the tips and tricks you need to keep your veneers shining.

Brush and Floss Regularly

Proper oral hygiene is vital for keeping your natural teeth and veneers in the best shape. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once daily. You should also use a mild toothpaste as abrasive ones may scratch the surface of your veneers. Additionally, avoid using a hard-bristled toothbrush.

Avoid Stains

Stain-causing substances, such as tobacco, coffee, tea, and red wine, can dull your veneers over time. To keep your veneers shiny, limit your intake of these substances, or avoid them altogether. If you do indulge in them, rinse your mouth with water after you’re done to flush out any leftover residue.

Be Cautious with Hard Foods

While veneers are durable, they are not indestructible. You will want to avoid biting on hard objects or foods, such as nuts, ice, or hard candy, as it can cause your veneers to chip or crack. This type of damage will inevitably affect the shine of your veneers, so it is best to be mindful of what you eat.

Schedule Regular Check-Ups with Your Dentist

Routine dental visits are important to ensure that your natural teeth and veneers are in their best condition. Your dentist can detect any issues and address them before they worsen. They can also give your veneers a professional polishing, thus restoring their shine.

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Your stunning veneers are a significant investment that you will want to keep in top shape for as long as possible. Following the tips and tricks that we have outlined in this blog post will ensure that your veneers remain shining and durable for years to come. If you’re looking for additional advice on how to care for your dental veneers or want to schedule an appointment with our dental professionals, contact High Desert Dental in Grand Junction, CO, today.

What Happens To Your Teeth When You Get Dentures?

What Happens To Your Teeth When You Get Dentures

What Happens To Your Teeth When You Get Dentures?

Understanding What Happens To Your Teeth When You Get Dentures

What Happens To Your Teeth When You Get Dentures

When it comes to dental health, dentures are a popular option for people who are missing teeth or have severely damaged teeth. Despite their popularity, many people still have doubts and questions about what happens to their teeth when they get dentures. If you are considering dentures as a solution, it is important to understand exactly what will happen to your teeth and how it will affect your dental health. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what dentures are, how they work, and what happens to your teeth when you get them.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are prosthetic teeth that can be removed from the mouth. They are designed to replace missing teeth and are usually made of acrylic resin or porcelain. There are two main types of dentures: complete dentures and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all teeth in the mouth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some teeth are missing.

How Do Dentures Work?

Dentures work by sitting on the gums and relying on suction to stay in place. They are custom-made to fit your mouth, and the fitting process involves taking impressions of your mouth and creating a mold. Dentures can take some time to get used to, and you may experience discomfort or soreness in the beginning. However, with time and practice, you will be able to wear them comfortably.

What Happens To Your Teeth When You Get Dentures?

When you get dentures, your remaining teeth will be examined and assessed for their health. If some of them are severely damaged or decayed, they may need to be extracted. However, if they are healthy and in good condition, they can be left in place. Your dentist may suggest that you get partial dentures to replace the missing teeth or keep the remaining teeth as they are.

If you need complete dentures, the remaining teeth will be removed and the gums will be given time to heal before the dentures are fitted. This process can take several weeks, and during this time, you may be given temporary dentures to wear. Once the gums have healed, a new set of dentures will be made and fitted to your mouth.

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Getting dentures can be a life-changing decision for many people. Knowing what happens to your teeth when you get dentures is an important step in making an informed decision about your dental health. If you are considering dentures, it is important to have a thorough examination and consultation with a trusted dentist to discuss your options and find the best solution for you. At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, we are committed to helping our patients achieve optimal dental health and provide affordable, quality dentures to meet their unique needs.

How Periodontitis is Treated

How Periodontitis is Treated

How Periodontitis is Treated

Treating Periodontitis: Understanding the Treatment Process

How Periodontitis is Treated

As a dental patient in Grand Junction CO at High Desert Dental, you may have experienced the discomfort and pain associated with periodontitis. This oral condition is a serious form of gum disease that affects millions of Americans every year. Without proper treatment, it can lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems. Thankfully, there are various treatment options available to help manage periodontitis and restore your oral health. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most effective treatment options for periodontitis.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a common non-surgical treatment option for periodontitis. During this procedure, a dentist or periodontist removes plaque and tartar from the tooth surface and beneath the gumline. The root surfaces are then smoothed to prevent further bacterial buildup. Scaling and root planing is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. This treatment has been shown to be highly effective for managing the early stages of periodontitis.


In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed along with scaling and root planing to treat periodontitis. Antibiotics can help eliminate the bacteria causing the infection and reduce inflammation in the gums. Your Grand Junction CO dentist may prescribe antibiotics as oral pills or a topical gel to be applied directly to the affected area. It’s important to complete the full course of antibiotics as prescribed to ensure optimal results.

Maintenance Therapy

Periodontitis is a chronic condition, which means that it requires ongoing care to manage effectively. After your initial treatment, your dentist may recommend regular maintenance therapy to keep your gums healthy and prevent future infections. Maintenance therapy may include regular dental cleanings, at-home oral hygiene, and follow-up appointments with your dentist or periodontist.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes can play a significant role in managing periodontitis. Quitting smoking, reducing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly may help reduce the severity of the condition and prevent future flare-ups. Your dentist can provide guidance on how to make these lifestyle changes and support you in your journey towards optimal oral health.

Contact High Desert Dental Today!

At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, we are dedicated to helping our patients manage periodontitis and achieve optimal oral health. If you are experiencing the symptoms of periodontitis, such as bleeding gums, bad breath, or tooth sensitivity, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our experienced dental team. We offer a range of treatment options to help manage periodontitis and prevent future complications. With proper care and ongoing maintenance, you can enjoy healthy, beautiful teeth for years to come.

Happy Tooth Fairy Day!

Happy Tooth Fairy Day!

Happy Tooth Fairy Day!

Celebrate Happy Tooth Fairy Day with High Desert Dental

Happy Tooth Fairy Day!

Every year on August 22nd, we celebrate Tooth Fairy Day. The Tooth Fairy has been a beloved figure in children’s lives for generations, as she is known for collecting children’s lost teeth and leaving behind a small gift or some money. At High Desert Dental in Grand Junction CO, we believe that every tooth is precious and deserves to be properly cared for. That’s why we invite you to celebrate Tooth Fairy Day with us, by taking care of your teeth and educating your children about proper dental hygiene.

Here are a few reasons why Tooth Fairy Day is worth celebrating and how we can help you with your dental care.

Reason #1: Promoting Good Oral Health Habits

One of the reasons Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated is to encourage children to take good care of their teeth. The Tooth Fairy serves as a fun and friendly reminder that taking care of their teeth is important. At High Desert Dental, we provide regular checkups and cleanings to maintain your oral health and prevent dental problems.

Reason #2: Making Dental Visits Fun

Many children feel scared or nervous about visiting the dentist. But, the Tooth Fairy can bring comfort and excitement to dental visits. At our dental office, we create a welcoming and warm environment to make your dental visits as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Reason #3: Providing Tips on Oral Care

The Tooth Fairy can also provide tips on proper oral care. Our dental team can teach you proper brushing and flossing techniques, as well as recommend oral care products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental floss. We can also discuss preventative measures such as sealants and fluoride treatments that can help to strengthen and protect your teeth.

Reason #4: Protecting Your Oral Health

The Tooth Fairy reminds us that every tooth is unique and deserves to be protected. Our dental team at High Desert Dental uses state-of-the-art technology and methods to diagnose and treat dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and more. We also provide restorative procedures such as fillings, crowns, and implants to help restore your smile’s natural beauty and function.

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On Tooth Fairy Day, we are reminded of the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and taking care of our teeth. At High Desert Dental, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional dental care to our patients. Whether you need a routine check-up or a more complex procedure, we are here to help. So, join us in celebrating Tooth Fairy Day and make an appointment with us today!

What Not to Eat After Fluoride Varnish?

What Not to Eat After Fluoride Varnish

What Not to Eat After Fluoride Varnish?

Avoid These Foods After Fluoride Varnish Application

What Not to Eat After Fluoride Varnish

Fluoride varnish, a type of dental treatment that helps prevent tooth decay and cavities, has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is a quick and painless procedure that involves applying a gel-like substance to the teeth, which hardens into a protective coating over time. While fluoride varnish offers numerous benefits, it is essential to know what not to eat after the application to get the most out of the treatment. In this blog post, we will discuss the foods you should avoid after fluoride varnish application.

Acidic Foods and Drinks

After fluoride varnish application, it is best to avoid consuming acidic foods and drinks such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, pickles, tomatoes, and citrus juices. These types of foods and drinks are highly acidic, which can cause the varnish to break down, reducing its effectiveness.

Hard and Sticky Foods

Avoid consuming hard and sticky foods, such as candies, gum, popcorn, ice, and nuts, as they can cause the fluoride varnish to chip or peel away from the teeth. These types of food can also get stuck under or between your teeth, creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

Hot Beverages

It is best to avoid hot beverages such as tea and coffee after fluoride varnish treatment as they can cause the varnish to melt and affect its efficacy by washing away the coating. You should wait for at least 30 minutes after fluoride varnish application before consuming hot beverages.


Alcohol-based mouthwashes or mouth rinses should be avoided for at least six hours after fluoride varnish treatment, as they can interfere with the varnish’s effectiveness. Alcohol is a natural solvent, which can dissolve the varnish, reducing its performance.

Sugary Foods and Drinks

Sugary foods and drinks such as soda, sports drinks, and fruit juice should be avoided after fluoride varnish application. These types of food and drinks provide a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities.

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Fluoride varnish is an excellent dental treatment to protect your teeth from cavities and tooth decay. However, knowing what not to eat after fluoride varnish application is essential to ensure that the treatment is effective. You should avoid acidic foods and drinks, hard and sticky foods, hot beverages, alcohol, and sugary foods and drinks for at least 30 minutes to six hours after fluoride varnish application, depending on your dentist’s advice. By doing so, you can maximize the benefits of fluoride varnish treatment and keep your teeth healthy and strong.

How Long Does Fluoride Treatment Last?

How Long Does Fluoride Treatment Last

How Long Does Fluoride Treatment Last?

How Long Does Fluoride Treatment Last?

How Long Does Fluoride Treatment Last

Fluoride is a mineral that is found naturally in water and soils. It has been found to be beneficial for dental health as it strengthens tooth enamel, making it less susceptible to decay. Fluoride treatment is a common dental procedure that involves the application of a fluoride gel or varnish to the teeth, making them more resistant to decay. Patients often wonder how long the effects of fluoride treatment last. In this post, we will explore this topic and provide you with some helpful information.

Fluoride treatment can last for several months:

Studies have shown that the effects of fluoride treatment can last for several months. Depending on the individual’s oral health status, the treatment can last for up to six months. However, this can vary depending on a person’s diet, oral hygiene habits, and other factors. Regular visits to the dentist near you for fluoride treatment can help ensure that your teeth are well-protected against decay.

Frequency of fluoride treatment:

The frequency of fluoride treatment depends on the individual’s risk of developing tooth decay. Children and adults who are at high risk of tooth decay may need fluoride treatment every three to six months. Patients with a low risk of tooth decay may require less frequent treatment. Your dentist in Grand Junction CO can evaluate your risk factors and recommend the appropriate frequency of fluoride treatment.

Diet and oral hygiene habits:

A healthy diet and good oral hygiene can also play a significant role in how long the effects of fluoride treatment last. Foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates can increase the risk of tooth decay, even if you have had fluoride treatment. Brushing and flossing regularly can help remove bacteria and plaque that can cause tooth decay. It is also important to follow your dentist’s recommendations for diet and oral hygiene to ensure the long-lasting effects of fluoride treatment.

Type of fluoride treatment:

The type of fluoride treatment can affect how long the effects last. There are two main types of fluoride treatment: topical and systemic. Topical fluoride is applied directly to the teeth, whereas systemic fluoride is ingested orally. The effects of topical fluoride can last for several months, whereas systemic fluoride can provide lifelong protection against tooth decay.

Consult with a dentist:

If you’re unsure about how long the effects of your fluoride treatment will last, consult with a dentist. They can evaluate your oral health condition and help create a treatment plan that’s specific to your needs. Your dentist can also recommend specific fluoride products that can help with long-lasting protection against tooth decay.

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Fluoride treatment is an effective way to protect your teeth from tooth decay. While the effects can last for several months, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and good oral hygiene habits to ensure long-lasting protection. The frequency of fluoride treatment depends on your individual risk of tooth decay. Consult with a dentist for specific recommendations on the type and frequency of fluoride treatment that’s right for you. With proper care and attention, the effects of fluoride treatment can last a lifetime.

How Long Do Deep Cleanings Take to Heal?

How Long Do Deep Cleanings Take to Heal

How Long Do Deep Cleanings Take to Heal?

Deep Cleaning: How to Speed Up Your Healing Time

How Long Do Deep Cleanings Take to Heal

A deep cleaning is a common dental procedure that removes plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth and under your gums. It is also known as scaling and root planing. Although deep cleanings are necessary for overall oral health, they can leave you feeling sore and uncomfortable afterward. However, there are several things you can do to speed up your healing time. In this article, we will discuss the average healing time for deep cleanings and some tips for a faster recovery.

How Long Is The Healing Time?

The healing time for a deep cleaning can vary from patient to patient. In general, it takes a few days to a week to fully heal from a deep cleaning. During this time, you may experience some soreness and sensitivity in your gums and teeth. You may also notice that your gums bleed easily when you brush or floss. Some patients experience swelling or mild discomfort, which can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers.

How Can You Speed Up The Healing Process?

To speed up your healing time after a deep cleaning, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and use fluoride toothpaste. Floss at least once a day to remove food particles and bacteria from between your teeth. Use mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Avoid any aggressive brushing techniques or using hard bristled toothbrushes for a few weeks.

Another thing you can do to speed up healing time is to stick to soft foods for a few days. Avoid hard, crunchy, or chewy foods that can irritate your gums. Instead, opt for mashed potatoes, applesauce, smoothies, and soup. These foods are easy to eat and will not hurt your gums while you are healing.

If you smoke, stop smoking. Smoking can slow down your healing process and increase your risk of developing gum disease. Talk to your dentist in Grand Junction about quitting smoking and they can recommend different methods that can help you.

Finally, make sure to attend your post-cleaning follow-up appointment with your dentist near you. After a deep cleaning, your dentist will want to check your gums to ensure that they are healing properly. They may recommend a fluoride treatment or other preventive measures to keep your teeth healthy.

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While deep cleanings can be uncomfortable for some patients, they are an essential part of maintaining good oral health. If you are scheduled for a deep cleaning, keep in mind that the recovery process may take a few days to a week. Be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions for aftercare, including practicing good oral hygiene, eating soft foods, quitting smoking, and attending follow-up appointments. By doing so, you can speed up your healing time and get back to your normal routine with a healthy smile.

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth

A bright, white smile is a desirable aesthetic for many people. Many people seek out ways to whiten their teeth to achieve the perfect smile. However, one common question that arises is: How often should you whiten your teeth? It can be challenging to determine how often to whiten your teeth, as it depends on a variety of factors. In this post, we will explore some considerations that can help you determine how often to whiten your teeth.

Understand the types of teeth whitening treatments available:

Before determining how often to whiten your teeth, it’s essential to understand the types of teeth whitening treatments available. There are various options for teeth whitening, including in-office treatments, take-home kits, and over-the-counter products. In-office treatments are typically more potent than take-home kits, and over-the-counter products, however, they may also be more expensive. Take-home kits can be an affordable and convenient option, and over-the-counter products may be the most accessible and cost-effective. Understanding the different options can help you determine the best option for your unique situation.

Consider your oral hygiene habits:

Another factor to consider when determining how often to whiten your teeth is your oral hygiene habits. Regular brushing, flossing, and visiting your Grand Junction CO dentist can help maintain a healthy mouth and prolong the effects of teeth whitening treatments. If you maintain good oral hygiene habits, you may not need to whiten your teeth as often as someone who neglects their oral health.

Evaluate your diet and lifestyle:

Your diet and lifestyle can also impact how often you should whiten your teeth. Certain foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, and wine, can cause discoloration and stains on your teeth. Smoking can also cause discoloration. If you consume these items regularly, you may need to whiten your teeth more frequently. On the other hand, avoiding these items may help prolong the effects of teeth whitening treatments.

Consult with your dentist:

If you’re still unsure how often you should whiten your teeth, consult with your dentist. Your dentist can evaluate your oral health and recommend a whitening plan that fits your unique needs. They can also recommend a type of whitening treatment that can provide the best results for your teeth.

Follow the instructions carefully:

Regardless of how often you need to whiten your teeth, it’s essential to follow the instructions carefully. Overuse of teeth whitening products can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Follow the instructions on the product or the recommendations set by your dentist near you.

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In conclusion, determining how often to whiten your teeth depends on various factors, including the type of treatment, oral hygiene habits, diet and lifestyle, and consultation with your dentist. Understanding these factors can help you develop a whitening plan that provides the best results and promotes good oral health. Remember to follow the instructions carefully and, if in doubt, consult with your dentist. A bright, white smile can be achieved with proper care and treatment.